Thursday, August 9, 2012

worst blogger ever.

     I know, I know. My blogging of late has been less-than-stellar. In teacher talk, you could say that I'm not meeting expectations. We did just get our internet set up in our new place, and by the end of the day I will have finished my first full week of teaching. A yeah wah hoooooo.

   This post is just to offer my apologies and to get out my excitement about being Ayutthaya (an ancient capital north of Bangkok)-bound for some Temple exploration this weekend. Monday is the Queen's birthday, and it is celebrated as Mother's Day and a National Holiday in Thailand. Two days of travel, one to finally wrap my head around my courses' syllabi...

   So hopefully some more posts soon about our trip, how the new job is and the like. 

    Oh and a quick note- If you're friends with me on Facebook I finally posted our new mailing address... My eternal love to those that send me postcards! They're good decoration for a Geography classroom!

Temples in Ayutthaya


  1. Agree! I keep checking your blog for updates. However, your skypes have been great so i really shouldn't complain. Love you, sweetie and miss you lots... Dad

  2. Glad to hear all is well - be safe and enjoy your trip up North.

    miss you. xo

  3. Hello Emma,
    We are so happy to that you are enjoying the people, your friends and the country - Thailand has a lot to offer and you are so fortunate to be there and experience it all. We have already started to look at travel options but would really like to make the trip with your mom and dad - we travel very well together. We know acommodations may be an issue but we would stay in a hotel nearby. Keep us posted - as your dad mentionned we have been checking your blog and really wanted to hear more - but we know you are busy and trying to set into a new schedule. Thanks so much for keeping us posted - your blog is wonderful amd really makes us feel that we apart of your adventure.

    Love you

    Colleen and Cchris
